so I just want to say welcome.I know this weblog will probably have very few readers ,but it's comfort to write what goes on inside your head (the good stuff of course). ANYWAY
I saw the movie Ramona and Beezus a few days ago. I grew up reading the books and I loved them .Ramona reminded me of myself, I was sort of weird growing up… always wanted to stand out so I would try to do different things from other people. but I was like the straight A student too…so I was kinda both Ramona and Beezus . So watching the movie was a big deal for me. I have this theory that a motion picture based on a book will suck no matter how good a movie it is…(I have my reasons) but R&B was good…I liked it the fact that almost all of the cast were either cute or hot was kinda wierd…I especially liked Joey King. she’s really good at acting.
That's all for now folks (if your out there)XOXO
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